Licensed Psychologist, Author, and Presenter
Kris Yi, Ph.D., Psy.D. is a licensed clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst with nearly 30 years of clinical experience.
Dr. Yi currently serves as an Associate Editor for the Journal of American Psychoanalytic Association (JAPA). She is on on the board of the Psychotherapy Action Network (PsiaN) and co-chairs its Program Committee. She is also a co-chairperson for the International Relational Committee (IRC) of the American Psychological Association's Society for Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, where she has held numerous leadership positions previously. She is a training & supervising analyst at the Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis (ICP) of Los Angeles. She presents widely on Asian American Experience and various topics related to race and racial identity.

Faculty, Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis, Los Angeles, CA, 2021-present
Faculty, Newport Psychoanalytic Institute, Tustin, CA, 2021-present
Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology, Pomona College, Pomona, CA, 2002-2003
Adjunct Professor of Psychology, California School of Professional Psychology (now Alliant University), Los Angeles, CA, 1993-1995
Adjunct Professor of Psychology, Antioch University, Marina del Rey, CA, 1993-1999
Co-chairperson, International Relations Committee of American Psychological Association, Division of Psychoanalysis, 2018-present
Member of the Board, Psychotherapy Action Network (PsiAN)
Co-Chairperson, PsiaN Program Committee
Society for Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy of American Psychoanalytic Association, 2008-present
Training and Supervising Analyst, Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis (ICP), Los Angeles, 1993-present
Training and Supervising Analyst, Newport Psychoanalytic Institute (NPI)
Member of the Board, Pelican Cove Counseling Services Center, Alhambra, CA
Co-chairperson, Scholars Program, Society for Society for Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy of American Psychoanalytic Association, 2016-2018
Member-at-Large, Board, Division of Psychoanalysis, American Psychological Association, 2014-2016
Chair, Multicultural Concerns Committee, Division of Psychoanalysis, APA, 2012-2014
Division of Psychoanalysis Liaison to CEMA-2013-2014
Honorary Board Member, Korean American Family Services Center (KAFSC), Los Angeles, 2012-present
Co-Chair, Ethics Committee, ICP, 2002-2004
Co-Chair, Diversity Committee, ICP, 2003-2007
Psy.D., 1999, Psychoanalysis — Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis – Los Angeles, CA
Ph.D., 1989, Clinical Psychology — California School of Professional Psychology (now Alliant University), Los Angeles, CA (APA approved)
MA, 1987, Clinical Psychology — California School of Professional Psychology (now Alliant University), Los Angeles, CA (APA approved)
BA, 1984, Psychology — Occidental College, Los Angeles, CA
Internship, 1989-1990 — Wright Institute of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
Internship, 1988-1989 — University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA (APA approved)
Yi, K. (2024) Collective Trauma and Splitting. Psychoanalytic Dialogues 34:162-163 Collective Trauma and Splitting.
Yi, K. (2023) The Trauma of Racism: Lessons From the Therapeutic Encounter, by Beverly J. Stoute and Michael Slevin (Eds.), New York: Routledge, 2023, 394 pp., $39.95 (ISBN 9781032247472). Psychoanalytic Psychology 40:370-372.
Yi, K. (2023). Asian American Experience: The Illusion of Inclusion and the Model Minority Stereotype. Psychoanalytic Dialogues. 49-59.
Yi, K. (2023). Asian Americans in a World of White Supremacy and Anti-Black Racism: Reply to Asibong, Merchant, and Tummala-Narra. 87-96.
Yi, K. (2017). Psychoanalysis in China, Book Review. Psychoanalytic Psychology. 242-245.
Yi, K. (2014). Toward Formation of Ethnic Identity Beyond the Binary of White Oppressor and Racial Other. Psychoanalytic Psychology. 426-434.
Yi, K. (2014). Psychoanalysis’s Cultural Dissociation Meets Ethnic Minorities: Reply to Kim Leary’s commentary. Psychoanalytic Dialogues.
Yi, K. (2014). From No Name Woman to Birth of Integrated Identity: Trauma-Based Cultural Dissociation in Immigrant Women and Creative Integration. Psychoanalytic Dialogues.
Yi, K (2009). Book Review The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao.
Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society. 14, 311–312. doi:10.1057/pcs.2009.8.
Yi, K. (2006). Transference and Race: An Intersubjective Conceptualisation. In Race, Culture and Psychotherapy, Moodley, R., & Palmer, S. (eds). Routledge, London. 74-88.
Yi, K. (2000). Case Report: Shin-byung (Divine Disease) in a Korean woman. Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry. 24, 471-486.
Yi, K. & Shorter-Gooden, K. (1999). Ethnic identity formation: From stage theory to a constructivist narrative model. Psychotherapy. Vol. 36 (1), 16-26.
Yi, K (1998). Transference and race: An intersubjective conceptualization. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 15 (2), 245-261.
Yi, K. (1995). Psychoanalytic psychotherapy with Asian clients: Transference and therapeutic considerations. Psychotherapy. 32, 308-316.
Yi, K. (1990). Symptoms of Eating Disorders as a Function of Acculturation Among Japanese and Chinese College Female Students. Ann Harbor, MI: International University Press.
Yi, K., Sue, S., and Zane, N. (1986). Cognitive Appraisal of Assertion Responses among Asian and Caucasian Americans. Asian American Psychological Association Journal, 65-68.
Yi, K. (1999). Should psychologist make their moral commitments explicit?: Multicultural implications. The Los Angeles Psychologist Newsletter. March/April, 1999.
Yi, K. (1998). Divine Disease in a Korean woman. The Asian American Psychologist Newsletters.
Yi, K. (1998). Psychotherapy, culture, and self: The Case of Asian Americans. The Los Angeles Psychologist Newsletter. July/August. 7-8.
Link to the Podcast: https://lnns.co/AeOQqSh2gY3
June 9, 2024, Invited Discussant, Masked resonance: Asian/ American enactment in a time of global uncertainty. Journal Club sponsored by the International Association for Psychoanalytic Self Psychology (IAPSP).
June 2, 2024, Invited Participant, Psychodynamic Psychology In Academia: A Call to Action. Hosted by A2P2.
May 10, 2024, Asian American Experience: The Illusion of Inclusion and the Model Minority Stereotype. Presentation at the Center for Psychoanalytic Studies (CFPS), Houston, Texas. Alumni Group Roundtable Discussion Series.
February 10, 2024, Invited Presenter, Cultural Narratives in Psychoanalysis, The American Psychoanalytic Association National Meeting, New York.
Oct 21, 2023, PLENARY Panel: Working at the Intersection of Developmental and Sociocultural Trauma: A Clinical Conversation. Kris Yi, PhD, along with Margy Sperry, PsyD, MFT , Lynne Jacobs, PhD , and Paula Christian Kliger, PhD, 44th Annual IAPSP International ConferenceMay 10, 2023, Invited Speaker, Spring 2023 Lecture of the Albert and Jessie Danielsen Institute Speaker Series. Boston University.
Feb 3, 2023. Invited Discussant, University Forum Racism in America VII: Asian in America, Exclusion, Erasure, and the Violence of Being Seen. The American Psychoanalytic Association National Meeting. New York.
Feb 11, 2023. Dynamics of Power, Privilege and White Adjacency In The Consulting Room. The Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis.
May 1, 2022. Invited Presentation, The Asian American Experience: Model Minority & Illusion of Inclusion. Gordon F. Derner School of Psychology, Postgraduate Program in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, Adelphi University, New York.
April 2, 2022. The Model Minority Stereotype and Othering of Asian Americans. A paper presented at the Division 39 of American Psychological Association Spring Meeting.
October 2, 2021. Invited Presentation, Asian American Experience & Sexualization of Asian Women: Illusion of Inclusion and Dissociation of Otherness, Massachusetts Institute of Psychoanalysis, Boston, MA.
June 26, 2021. Invited Presentation, Asian American Experience: Ethnic Identity, Racial Trauma, and White Adjacency, 3 hour presentation at Newport Psychoanalytic Institute.
April 5, 2019. Chair and Discussant, Roundtable Discussion on “Psychoanalysis Around the Globe Series: China”. Division 39 of American Psychological Association Spring Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
April 21, 2018. Chair and Discussant, Invited Panel on Intimate Perspectives on Immigration: Immigrant Psychotherapists Share Their Experiences. Division 39 of American Psychological Association Spring Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
April 8, 2016. Chair and Discussant. Black/White Racial Binary and the Fate of Other Racial Narratives in Clinical Encounters. Division 39 of American Psychological Association Spring Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
April 24, 2015. Chair, Committee on Multicultural Concerns Invited Panel on Marginalization & Trauma in the Psyche: Working with Parents and Children of Color. Division 39 of American Psychological Association Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
April 23, 2015. Chair, Panel on Disavowed Cultural Trauma (Anti-Semitism/The Third Reich): Reverberations in Psychoanalytic Life. Division 39 of American Psychological Association Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
April 23, 2015. Freud’s Cultural Decontexualization and the Ethnic Minority Patient. Paper presented at the Division 39 of American Psychological Association Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
April 23, 2015. Freud’s Jewish Identity. Division 39 of American Psychological Association Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
August 7, 2014. Co-Chair, Panel on Psychoanalytic and other integrative approaches to mass trauma around the globe. American Psychological Association Convention, Washington D.C.
April 27, 2014. Cross Cultural Relationships. Rewards and Pitfalls. Brownbag presentation. Division 39 of American Psychological Association Spring Meeting, New York, NY.
April 26, 2014. Projective Identification: Whose Internal Conflict Does It Get Rid Of? Division 39 of American Psychological Association Spring Meeting, New York, NY.
November 7, 2013. Freud’s Radical Cultural Decontextualization, 2013 International Conference of the International Association of Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy (IARPP), Santiago, Chile.
July 31, 2013. Unconscious and Contextual Elements in Ethnic Identity Formation: A Psychoanalytic Case Presentation. American Psychological Association Convention, Honolulu, HI.
April 27, 2013. Discussant, “Partnering and Intimacy: Do Diversity and Difference Matter?” with Dr. Mary-Joan Gerson, Division 39 of American Psychological Association Spring Meeting, Boston, MA.
April 27, 2013. Discussant, Steering Committee Invited Panel, “Master Clinician Case Conference,” with Drs. Jack Foehl, Diane Elise, and Jody Davies, Division 39 of American Psychological Association Spring Meeting, Boston, MA.
April 26, 2013. Chair and Moderator, Committee on Multicultural Concerns and the Early Career Psychologists Committee Invited Panel, “Revenge of the Youth: Early/Mid-Career Ethnic Therapists Reflect on a Senior White Analyst’s Cross Cultural Work” with Drs. Frank Summers, Sanjay Nath, and Shelley Savage. Division 39 of American Psychological Association Spring Meeting, Boston, MA.
Jan. 5, 2013. Cultural Dissociation: The Case of Heinz Kohut, Other Early Psychoanalysts, and Implications for Contemporary Clinical Practice. New Center for Psychoanalysis, Los Angeles.
April 20, 2012. Invisibility, Dissociation, and the Contemporary Immigrant Analyst. A presentation at the Division 39 of American Psychological Association Spring Meeting. Santa Fe, New Mexico.
April 21, 2012. From No Name Woman to the Birth of Subjectivity: Immigrant Women and the Creative Integration of Sexism Related Traumas. A presentation at the Division 39 of American Psychological Association Spring Meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
April 22, 2012. Culture Clashes Within, Psychoanalytic Ideas as Creative Subversion. A presentation at the Division 39 of American Psychological Association Spring Meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Jan. 28, 2011. Psychoanalysis: Can it enhance multicultural psychotherapy? Presentation at the National Multicultural Conference and Summit, Seattle, Washington.
May 23, 2009. Coming of Age: Exploring Identity, Career, & and Romance for 1.5 and 2nd Generation Korean Americans. A workshop presented at the First Healthy Family Conference, Los Angeles.
April 24, 2009. Devalued Mothers and resilient daughters: Some clinical observations about impact of intra-family sexism on the patients from East Asian Cultures. A paper presented at the Division 39 of American Psychological Association Spring Meeting, San Antonio, Texas.
March 1, 2009. Transference to therapist’s race (and how to work with it). Asian American Psychological Association, Division of Women Conference, Long Beach, California.
February 27, 2009. Eating Disorders. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California.
June 16, 2003. Ethnic self-narrative: a constructivist approach to ethnic identity development. 8th International Congress on Constructivism and Psychotherapy. Bari, Italy.
June 16,, 2003. The immune system of self and the construction of self-other relations. 8th International Congress on Constructivism and Psychotherapy. Bari, Italy.
July, 2002. Psychology of Asian-Americans. A teaching presentation at the Wright Institute, Los Angeles.
May 6, 2000. Eating Disorders among Asian women. A workshop presentation at the Asian American Psychological Association Regional Conference, San Diego.
March 11, 2000. Toward multiculturally competent teaching. A workshop for the faculty of the Antioch University, Marina del Rey.
December 18, 1998. Korean mothers and filial daughters: Notes on clinical observations. A presentation at Annual American Psychoanalytic Association Conference, New York.
June 13, 1998. Korean culture and marital conflicts. A TV appearance at KCSI, Los Angeles.
June 5, 1998. Culturally Appropriate Counseling Techniques for Service Providers. A workshop presentation at the Building Family Peace: A Domestic Violence Conference, Los Angeles.
May 6, 1998. Culture, self, and psychotherapy: The case of Asian-Americans. A presentation at the Student Psychological Services Center, University California, Irvine.
December 5, 1997. Depression and Korean women. A TV appearance at KCSI, Los Angeles.
November 14, 1997. Psychodynamic Treatment of Asian American adolescents. A workshop presentation at the Asian American Mental Health Training Annual Conference, Pasadena.
November, 1997. A psychoanalytic view on parenting with Koreans. A panel discussion at the Association of Korean American Psychiatrists Annual Convention, Cerritos.
January, 1997. Diagnosis and treatment of eating disorders: An overview. A presentation given at Verdugo Mental Health Center, Glendale.
January, 1997. Mental Health Needs of Korean-Americans. A presentation at the Moving into Next Millennium for Korean Americans Conference sponsored by Korean Health Education Information & Referral Center at Queen of Angeles Medical Center, Los Angeles.
November, 1996. Treating Korean-American adolescents and families in Los Angeles. Specificity of ethnic communities of Los Angeles: A psychiatric perspective. A continuing education presentation sponsored by Southern California Psychiatric Society given at Neuropsychiatric Institute of UCLA, Los Angeles.
October, 1996. Treatment of eating disorders. A continuing education presentation given to mental health professionals at Managed Health Network , Los Angeles.